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Automotive Innovation - Resubmission Guidelines

Authors are reminded that in the case of manuscript rejection, a subsequent submission of the same work must involve comprehensive revisions to address the issues raised during the initial review. It is imperative that the resubmitted manuscript undergoes significant modifications, reflecting a substantial commitment to improving the overall quality and impact of the research.

Authors should diligently address all feedback provided by the reviewers and the editorial team. Superficial changes or minor adjustments may not meet the criteria for reconsideration. Manuscripts resubmitted without substantial modifications may not be accepted for further review.

For successful resubmissions, authors are expected to demonstrate a clear effort in making substantial improvements to their work. This may involve revisiting the research methodology, enhancing experimental design, expanding data analysis, and overall elevating the language, clarity, and significance of the findings.

Throughout the resubmission process, open communication with the editorial team is encouraged. Authors are advised to promptly seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions regarding the revision requirements.

All resubmitted manuscripts will undergo a thorough re-evaluation process to ensure that the necessary changes have been effectively implemented. The decision to accept a resubmission will be contingent upon the extent of the revisions and the overall quality of the revised manuscript.

These guidelines are designed to uphold the standards of our journal and to facilitate the publication of impactful and high-quality research contributions. Authors are invited to contact our editorial office for any inquiries or further assistance.
