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Astrodynamics - Call for Papers: “Special Issue on Computational Guidance for Spacecraft”

Computational guidance, which relies extensively on onboard numerical computation to generate guidance commands in real time, is crucial for autonomous aerospace applications. With the increasing complexity and sophistication of space missions, there is a growing need for new computational guidance methods to address various challenges, such as flying through complex environments and ensuring precise spacecraft operations. Thus, we are organizing a special issue that focuses on the latest advancements in computational guidance for spacecraft. Topics on the computational guidance techniques and their applications for the following areas (as well as others relevant to the journal) are welcomed:

  • Onboard numerical optimization methods
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques for spacecraft guidance
  • Multi-agent cooperative guidance for swarm spacecraft missions
  • Real-time guidance for space missions and deep space exploration
  • Autonomous guidance for reusable launch vehicles
  • Development and implementation of autonomous guidance systems

We welcome original research papers, review articles, and case studies on these topics. The special issue aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to share their latest findings, insights, and experiences in the field of computational guidance for spacecraft. All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure high quality and relevance to the special issue.


For authors who want to submit manuscripts to our Special Issue, please first refer to the “Instructions on Special Issues of Astrodynamics” on the journal homepage first to learn the handling procedures and quality standards that are specially for Special Issues. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their completed manuscript to with “Special Issue: Computational Guidance” marked in the cover letter section. Further information about the journal is available at (this opens in a new tab).


Manuscript Due: August 30, 2024


Professor Binfeng Pan

School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China (this opens in a new tab)

Professor Shengping Gong

School of Astronautics, Beihang University, China (this opens in a new tab)


Professor Zhenbo Wang

Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA (this opens in a new tab)

Professor Jinbo Wang

School of System Science and Engneering, Sun Yat-sen University, China (this opens in a new tab)

Astrodynamics is a peer-reviewed international journal that is quarterly co-published by Tsinghua University Press and Springer, on behalf of the School of Aerospace Engineering of Tsinghua University. The high-quality peer-reviewed articles of original research, comprehensive review, mission accomplishments, and technical comments in all fields of astrodynamics will be given priorities for publication. In addition, related research in astronomy and astrophysics that takes advantages of the analytical and computational methods of astrodynamics is also welcomed. Astrodynamics would like to invite all the astrodynamics specialists to submit their research articles. The effort of the Editorial Board will be ensuring the journal to publish novel researches that advance the field, and will provide authors with a productive, fair, and timely review experience. Astrodynamics has been indexed in ESCI, Scopus
