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European Geriatric Medicine - Special Issue DELIRIUM in online!

S.I. Delirium  (this opens in a new tab)

Issue Editors: Giuseppe Bellelli, Alasdair MacLullich, Alessandro Morandi

Developing delirium best practice: a systematic review of education interventions for healthcare professionals working in inpatient settings (this opens in a new tab), Song Yuin Lee, James Fisher, Anne P. F. Wand, Koen Milisen, Elke Detroyer, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Meera Agar, Annmarie Hosie & Andrew Teodorczuk 

Quality improvement and delirium (this opens in a new tab), Emma R. L. C. Vardy & Rebecca E. Thompson 

Pain and delirium: mechanisms, assessment, and management (this opens in a new tab)
Elizabeth L. Sampson, Emily West & Thomas Fischer (Open Access) (this opens in a new tab)

Delirium superimposed on dementia (this opens in a new tab), Alessandro Morandi & Giuseppe Bellelli 

Distress in delirium: causes, assessment and management (this opens in a new tab)
Sophie T. Williams, Jugdeep K. Dhesi & Judith S. L. Partridge (Open Access) (this opens in a new tab)

Non-pharmacological approaches in the prevention of delirium (this opens in a new tab)
Fabio Salvi, John Young, Moira Lucarelli, Alessandra Aquilano, Riccardo Luzi, Giuseppina Dell’Aquila & Antonio Cherubini 

The role of physical exercise and rehabilitation in delirium (this opens in a new tab)
N. Gual, M. García-Salmones, L. Brítez, N. Crespo, C. Udina, L. M. Pérez & M. Inzitari 

Family and healthcare staff’s perception of delirium (this opens in a new tab)
Enrico Mossello, Flaminia Lucchini, Francesca Tesi & Laura Rasero 

The financial and social costs of delirium (this opens in a new tab)
Gideon A. Caplan, Andrew Teodorczuk, Jared Streatfeild & Meera R. Agar 

Delirium Café: interactive learning to enhance delirium care (this opens in a new tab)
Hanna-Maria Roitto, Ulla Liisa Aalto, Riikka Söderling, Marja-Liisa Laakkonen & Hanna Öhman (Open Access) (this opens in a new tab)
