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Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society - BIMS Beginning Webinar Series

Call for Webinars at the Bulletin of the Iranian Math Society
The Bulletin of the Iranian Math Society (BIMS) proudly announces the launch of its webinar series starting in 2024. This initiative, generously sponsored by Springer and warmly embraced by BIMS, is entirely free for both authors and readers.

Key Highlights:
•    Supplementary Material: The webinars serve as valuable supplementary material for each published paper, providing an accessible gateway for a broader readership to delve into the published work for in-depth understanding.
•    Enhanced Impact: This initiative not only increases readership and impact but also significantly reduces potential duplicate efforts within the academic community.
•    Engaging Wider Community: The webinars encourage the engagement of a wider community by offering insights without the need for extensive background information, fostering a more inclusive environment for intellectual exchange.

Author Opportunities:
Authors of published papers at BIMS are invited to seize the unique opportunity to present focused overviews of their work through approximately 45-minute virtual lectures, followed by a Q&A session. These sessions aim to:

•    Elucidate Significance: Explain the significance of the research and pinpoint general ideas behind the technical results.
•    Discuss Literature: Engage in discussions about existing literature and highlight related problems.
•    Outline Future Research: Provide insights into potential future research directions.
By offering targeted insights directly related to the published paper at BIMS, the webinars provide readers with a distinct opportunity to comprehend the research and inspire further exploration.
Participation Details:
•    Voluntary & Free: Participation in these webinars is entirely voluntary and free of charge, enriching the journal's content and connecting experts with a broader audience.
•    Recorded Sessions: Links to recorded webinars will accompany the published papers on the journal webpage, ensuring free accessibility to all readers.

Invitation to Authors:
BIMS cordially invites authors to present webinars on their recently published works. We believe these webinars will not only benefit the journal and authors but also contribute to advancing scholarly communication and engagement within the mathematical community.
Your participation is crucial in making this initiative a success. Together, let us amplify the impact of mathematical research and foster a collaborative environment.
