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PharmacoEconomics - Open

Healthcare Interventions and Outcomes

Publishing model:
Open access

PharmacoEconomics - Open - Call for Papers with Open-Source Models

As a fully open-access journal, PharmacoEconomics - Open is a platform for open science. The journal advocates the use of open-source models for economic evaluation and invites authors using open-source models to submit their papers. Accepted papers are featured in an online collection promoting open-source models (this opens in a new tab).

Recommended ways of making a model available include submitting it to a repository such as the Open-Source Model Clearinghouse (this opens in a new tab), GitHub, or journal supplementary material.

For enquiries, please contact the Editor, (this opens in a new tab)

Call for papers using open-source models for submission to PharmacoEconomics - Open
