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Aims and scope

The Journal of Cognitive Enhancement provides an outlet for research focused on ways in which human cognitive function can be improved. This is an extremely broad domain encompassing many different disciplines, methodological approaches, and targeted cognitive functions. The research covered in the journal thus reflects this breadth, publishing work by authors from cognitive science, neuroscience, education science, nutrition science, kinesiology, pharmacology, computer science, contemplative studies, and beyond. Given the obvious potential real-world importance of augmented cognitive functions, the journal publishes both basic science studies (e.g., research focused on particular mechanisms through which a cognitive function can be enhanced), as well as studies designed to assess the efficacy of particular paradigms for enhancing cognitive function (e.g., randomized-controlled trials). Finally, while the journal primarily publishes original empirical research, it also publishes review and theoretical articles, with a strong preference for those that are forward-looking and hypothesis generating. 
