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Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung

Journal for Research on Adult Education

Publishing model:
Open access

Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung - CfP The (Digital) Transformation of Educational Guidance

Issue 1| 2024

Guest Editors: Bernd Käpplinger, Sebastian Lerch & Sabine Schmidt-Lauff

Under the COVID-19 regulations and countermeasures, educational and training guidance work was subject to restrictions in a similar way to further education. During the pandemic, educational guidance was provided over the telephone or by digital means more frequently than face-to-face guidance (cf. Bilger and Käpplinger 2022). However, even before the pandemic, digitally provided guidance services were becoming more prevalent, and this pattern has continued.

However, we have observed in various settings that the two kinds of provision are not mutually exclusive; rather, hybrid services are emerging and/or interested parties are using both digitally mediated and face-to-face guidance settings, in a variety of synchronous as well as asynchronous, (co)present as well as digital formats. What has become by now the almost classic telephone support session should not be underestimated in its importance as an easy-to-use and anonymous setting, among other benefits. This format can also link up in new ways with face-to-face and digital delivery (e.g. co-browsing). The question of particular interest here is whether it is only the medium for educational guidance that is changing, or whether the purpose, content, processes, interests and results of educational guidance are evolving too.

Taking this into account, we would like to propose two perspectives that should be central for this issue of the journal:

  • The social and technological changes, as well as the changes in our everyday lives, that affect educational guidance.
  • The changes in educational guidance itself.

This journal aims to bring together diverse contributions – using both theoretical and empirical research methods – to explore how the educational guidance landscape is changing, what new forms of guidance can be provided at various life stages, the connections and new distinct fields of guidance that are emerging, and what these changes mean for guidance providers in terms of maintaining professionalism, as well as for those seeking guidance. In general, we need to identify the effects (both positive and negative) of using media, and especially digital media, to support educational guidance – including the effects of the technical infrastructure itself on guidance services.
[References: see PDF of CfP]

The editors and the editorial team look forward to your suggestions for topics. You are also welcome to send us an initial outline, which can be fleshed out with the editors in the further course. You can send an outline (max. 500 words) of your contribution to the editors at (this opens in a new tab) by July 30, 2024.

Deadline for manuscripts: September 20, 2023
Publication date: April 2024

All contributions will undergo a double-blind anonymous peer review. The editorial board accepts manuscripts for first and sole publication only.

For more information about the journal and how to submit manuscripts, please visit (this opens in a new tab)

Your article will be published online approx. 3 weeks after acceptance and will be fully citable from that moment on.

CfP PDF Digital Transformation Ed Guidance (this opens in a new tab)
