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Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy - Appointment of new Co-EiC, Dr Vahid Vahidinasab

We are delighted to introduce the new co-EiC of TESG, Dr. Vahid Vahidinasab!

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Dr Vahid Vahidinasab is Director of GridLab and a Senior Electrical Power Engineering Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, where he leads teaching and research in the area of sustainable power and energy systems. He has served as a member of the Editorial Board, Subject Editor, Associate Editor, Guest Editor, and Guest EIC of several top-ranked peer-reviewed journals in the field of power and energy systems.

He has over 18 years of research and teaching experience in Power and Energy Systems and demonstrated a consistent track record of attracting external funds and collaborating on large and complex projects, and publishing high-quality journal papers, books and book chapters.

From 2011 to 2018, he held a number of leadership roles in the power and energy industry and academia including Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Management and Resources Development & Directorate, and also Director of Research Office at Niroo Research Institute with a focus on a nationwide programme for the development of purposeful and market-oriented research in power and energy systems, and also Director of Education Office at Shahid Beheshti University.

His research interests include sustainable power and energy systems modelling, analysis and control, smart grids, energy systems integration, and energy markets.

Please join us in welcoming Dr Vahidinasab to the TESG Editorial Board!
