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Urban Rail Transit
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Urban Rail Transit - Outstanding Experts Newly Appointed as Co-Editor-in-chief and Executive Editor-in-chief of Urban Rail Transit

Urban Rail Transit has been formally published for 7 years since its inception in 2015. To further improve academic quality and impact of the journal, the Honorary Editor-in-chief, Academician Zhongheng Shi, the Editor-in-chief, Professor Baoming Han, the Director of the Editorial Board, Professor Feng Chen discussed and decided to further strengthen and highlight core disciplinaries and unique features of the journal in the future. The attention will be paid to the development and promotion of two disciplinaries: Civil Engineering of rail transit, and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) based on urban rail transit. Therefore, after in-depth exchange and communication with editorial board members and experts in these two fields, the current EICs team decided to officially appoint Professor Liang Gao, an outstanding expert in the field of rail track structure and mechanics, as the Co-Editor-in-chief; Professor Chun Zhang, a rising scholar in the field of rail transit design and planning, as the Executive Editor-in-chief; and Professor Guoqing Cai, an expert in geotechnical and tunnel, as the Associated Director of the Editorial Board of Urban Rail Transit journal.

New Content ItemThe newly appointed Co-Editor-in-chief, Professor Liang Gao, is currently the Dean of School of Civil Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University, China. Prof. Gao has long been dedicated to the fundamental theory and application research of track engineering, new types of track structures, detection and monitoring techniques for track safety, vibration and noise control of track, etc. Prof. Gao was awarded the “Changjiang Scholars Program” of China, the Leading talent in scientific and technological innovation of “Ten-thousand Talents Program”, and Special Allowance of the State Council. Now he is appointed as the leader of national key discipline of Highway & Railway Engineering, the director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Track Engineering, the deputy director of National Engineering Laboratory for Green and Safe Construction of Urban Rail Transit, etc. Professor Liang Gao will actively lead and participate in the development and promotion of Urban Rail Transit, direct and organize the special issue and column in Civil Engineering, try his best to accelerate the development of Urban Rail Transit, strengthen the discipline characteristics, and improve the academic quality and international impact of the journal.

New Content ItemThe newly appointed Executive Editor-in-chief, Professor Chun Zhang, is vice chair in the Department of Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Design, Beijing Jiaotong University. She is also the board member in Association of China Planning, vice secretory and board member in China Regional Science Association, board member of the Beijing Institution of Engineers. Her research interests focus on synergy development between rail transit and urban form, job-housing balance and job accessibility. She teaches classes including Introduction to Urban Planning, GIS, and Big Data Application. She published two monographs: Planning of coordinated development of rail transit and city-Theory, methodology and commentary, Urban Community Form and Regeneration. She has been Principal Investigator of NSF China (NSFC) for general and young programs. She has been awarded for Jeme Tien Yow Rail Technology Award, IACP Distinguish Award and Committee of 100 (C-100) Young Leadership Scholarship. Prof. Zhang has been actively supporting the development of Urban Rail Transit since its inception, i.e., organizing special issues, recommending academic conferences and forums, inviting manuscripts of high-level experts, recommending high-quality manuscripts, writing articles for submission, handling submissions of the journal, recommending internationally renowned experts in the related fields for the editorial board, etc. Prof. Zhang will lead and enhance the development of the special column in the field of Transit Oriented Development (TOD), and improve the academic quality and international influence of Urban Rail Transit

New Content ItemThe newly appointed Associate Director of Editorial Board, Professor Guoqing Cai, is currently the vice Dean of School of Civil Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University, deputy director of the Infrastructure Carbon Reduction Technology Research Center of Beijing Jiaotong University. He was awarded the Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program, Beijing Science and Technology Star, MAO Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award, and Beijing Youth May 4th Medal. His research interests cover the disaster prevention and control of geotechnical and underground engineering, safe construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure. He has published more than 100 SCI/EI indexed papers, been authorized 10 patents, published 1 monograph. He was Principal Investigator of more than 30 research projects including "key project of High-speed Railway Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China ". Prof. Cai is the member of editorial board of Canadian Geotechnical Journal, scientific editor of Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, guest editor of Advances in Civil Engineering, deputy Editor-in-chief of journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, and the editorial board member of the Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bulletin of Chinese Civil Engineering, Railway Investigation and Surveying. He is also the director of Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - China Civil Engineering Society, deputy chairman of the Youth Work Committee, technical committee chairman of “Geotechnical structure of roadbed” and “Mechanism of tunnel disaster” in World Transport Convention. Prof. Cai will be responsible for setting up the youth Editorial Committee, co-leading the construction of the special column and issue of Civil Engineering, dissemination and promotion of the journal.

Editor-in-Chief    Baoming Han

Editorial Office of Urban Rail Transit

April 15th, 2022
