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Eurasian Economic Review

A Journal in Applied Macroeconomics and Finance

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Eurasian Economic Review - Call for Papers - 22 Monetary Policy Workshop & Special Issue 'Digitalisation of Money and Finance'

Guest Editors:
Martina Metzger, Professor of Monetary Economics, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin/Germany

Qing Wang, Dean of Institute of Chinese Financial Studies, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu/China

Dorothea Schäfer, Editor in Chief of Eurasian Economic Review

Submission deadline: 1 February 2024 (final papers)

Submission deadline for preliminary papers: 1 October 2023

Accepted authors of preliminary papers are invited to present at the 22 Monetary Policy Workshop in Shanghai/China in the week of 20 – 24 November 2023. SWUFE will cover the expenses incurred in China, however not the international expenses. The Monetary Policy Workshops are jointly sponsored and organised by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE, Chengdu), Berlin School of Economics and Law, Deutsche Bundesbank Regional Office Berlin and Brandenburg, and the People’s Bank of China.

Financial markets have undergone tremendous transformation within the last two decades, with the emergence and rapid expansion of digital financial services and the introduction of central bank digital currencies as two of the most dynamic economic and financial processes. Since the release of ChatGPT, generative AI has been building to a fever pitch in the financial sector. 

The formation of new market participants and the creation of innovative financial instruments expand outreach of financial services to formerly unbanked households and companies. In particularly, the generation of pro-poor digital financial services improves financial access for vulnerable groups and contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. The introduction of central bank digital currencies has potential impacts on the formulation, transmission mechanisms, and efficacy of monetary policy. 

However, through the entry of new market actors and players in this field in particularly by Big Tech, a vicious competition with costly trade-offs for financial stability might emerge. In addition, consumer protection and financial integrity might be at stake by improper, unsafe or unauthorized use of digital financial services and generative AI. The regulatory landscape for Fintech and generative AI is on the move and still unfinished. 

With this call for papers, we like to encourage contributions, which explore the potentials and address the risks of digital financial services and generative AI in order to identify governance and supervisory gaps and advance the regulatory architecture. We also warmly welcome research on the implications of central bank digital currency for monetary policy and economic agents.

Topics of Interest
The Special Issue welcomes any empirical, theoretical or literature survey manuscripts that meet the general criteria of Eurasian Economic Review (this opens in a new tab), and deals with the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Central bank digital currency: requirements and challenges
  • Central bank digital currency: implications for monetary policy
  • Central bank digital currency: implications for economic agents (banking sector, corporates, households)
  • Big Tech and digital financial services
  • Generative AI: impacts on and risks for the financial sector
  • Crypto assets and fiat money
  • Regulatory level playing field for digital financial services
  • Digital financial services and transformation to the traditional banking sector
  • Traditional financial services, digital financial services and regulatory arbitrage
  • Digital financial services, competition in the financial sector and risks for financial stability
  • Digital financial services, in particular crypto assets, and risks to financial integrity
  • Digital financial services and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
  • Development impacts and risks of digital financial services
  • Consumer protection of digital financial service users (data use, fraud, deposit insurance)

Priority will be given to single- and multi-country studies of China and Europe with an emphasis on contemporary regulatory challenges to digital financial services and with clear recommendations for policy. 

Prior to submitting a paper for this special issue, authors are further advised to seek guidance for Eurasian Economic review from the following URL: (this opens in a new tab)

Each full paper submission will be double blind reviewed by at least one referee and one of the guest editors. EAER waives all article-processing charges for this special issue. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as Word or PDF documents through (this opens in a new tab)

Authors should mention in the Cover Letter to the Guest-Editors that the paper is submitted for the Special Issue 'Digitalisation of Money and Finance'. They are also requested to select the special issue title from the relevant drop-down menu during the submission process.

Requests for further information should be addressed to Professor Metzger, Berlin School of Economics and Law ( (this opens in a new tab)) or Professor Wang, Southwestern University of Economics and Finance ( (this opens in a new tab)) or Professor Dorothea Schäfer, Editor-in-Chief of EAER ( (this opens in a new tab)).
