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Journal updates

  • Change of Editorship

    We are proud to announce HPLS appointed Adrian Currie (University of Exeter) and Edna Suarez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) as new Editors in Chief.  We are currently in the process of switching over to a new editorial team, which has led to some inevitable hold-ups with the processing of your paper. We are hoping to begin normal processing shortly and we thank you for your patience in the meantime.

    We would like to thank outgoing Editors in Chief: Giovanni Boniolo (University of Ferrara) and Sabine Leonelli (University of Exeter) for their excellent work as Editors in Chief.

  • Stazione Zoologica

    History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences is owned by the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napels, Italy. A comprehensive overview of their history and current research activities is available on the SZ homepage.
