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Reactions Weekly
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Aims and scope

Reactions Weekly is the unique one-stop-shop for all your adverse drug reaction needs, bringing you up-to-the minute summaries of the world's adverse drug reaction news and published adverse drug reaction case reports. Reactions Weekly provides a weekly round-up of adverse drug reaction news including labelling changes, drug withdrawals due to safety issues, adverse reaction research and current issues in drug safety. Content is sourced from journals, scientific meetings, media releases, regulatory agency websites, and bulletins national regulatory agencies.

Drug Interaction (X)

Used for drug-drug, drug-food, drug-herb and drug-alcohol interactions.

Overdose (O)

Treatment of a patient with a dose of a drug that exceeds the recommended dose, and has resulted in an adverse reaction. Includes suicide attempts by drug overdose

Serious (S)

An event is determined to serious (based on the ICH definition) when the patient outcome is:

  • death
  • life-threatening
  • hospitalisation
  • disability
  • congenital anomaly
  • other medically important event

First Report (*)

First published case report. Any claim to a 'first report' in Reactions Weekly has been verified by a database search of the literature. In addition, for each first report, where possible, supporting information is provided from the WHO Adverse Drug Reactions Database. The Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) maintains this database of 15 million case reports containing adverse drug reaction reports collected worldwide from countries belonging to the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring. For more detailed information of the WHO case reports, please contact the UMC at
