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Geo-Marine Letters

An International Journal of Marine Geology

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

Geo-Marine Letters is an international peer-reviewed journal focussing on the rapid publication of concise original studies and reviews dealing with processes, products and techniques in marine geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. Coverage spans

- structural geology, including plate tectonics of recent active and passive margins

- sea-bed morphology, physiography and morphodynamics

- sediment transport, depositional processes and sedimentary facies analysis

- stratigraphy, basin analysis and paleoenvironmental reconstruction

- sea-level history, paleoproductivity, gas hydrates, salt domes and brines

- sediment-water interaction and organism-sediment relationships

- geochemical tracers, stable isotopes and authigenic mineral formation

- geotechnical properties and application of new geo-marine techniques, and more.

In addition to regular articles, reviews, discussion/reply articles and technical papers, Geo-Marine Letters welcomes contributions by guest editors in the form of conference/workshop proceedings, or bundles of papers dealing with specific themes.  

Information on Open Research Funding and Support may be found here:
