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Journal of Comparative Physiology B

Biochemical, Systems, and Environmental Physiology

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

The Journal of Comparative Physiology B publishes peer-reviewed research on the comparative physiology of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Special emphasis is placed on integrative studies that elucidate mechanisms at the whole-animal, organ, tissue, cellular, and/or molecular levels.
Aspects of particular interest include adaptation and evolutionary aspects of physiology, neural and endocrine control of metabolism; cellular and molecular organization of metabolism, membrane transport, and nutrient absorption; respiration and gas exchange; circulation and body fluids; energy and temperature relations; muscle and exercise physiology, and more.

The journal accepts Original Papers, Reviews, Short communications, Perspectives, Comments, and Invited Replies. Particularly, we welcome review papers on the current state of knowledge in an area of comparative physiology and directions in which future research is needed.  Please, check our Submission guidelines for detailed information.

Aspects of particular interest include:

  • Molecular and neuroendocrine control of metabolism
  • Membrane transport and nutrient absorption
  • Respiration and gas exchange
  • Circulation and body fluids
  • Energy and temperature relations
  • Muscle and exercise physiology
  • Energetics and endocrinology of reproduction
  • Evolutionary aspects of physiology

If you wish to publish a study in Neuroethology, Sensory Physiology, Neurophysiology, and Behavioural Physiology, please visit our sister publication, Journal of Comparative Physiology A.
