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Pure and Applied Geophysics - Open call on: Geophysical Studies of Geodynamics and Natural Hazards in the Northwestern Pacific Region

Lead guest editor:

  • Vladimir Kossobokov (Russia), e-mail:

Guest editors:

  • Alexander Soloviev (Russia)
  • John C. Eichelberger (USA), e-mail:
  • Yuichi Nishimura (Japan), e-mail:

Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2022

Format for submissions: Authors are kindly requested to follow closely the Submission Guidelines when preparing their scripts.
All submissions will be subject to the PAGEOPH peer review process. Submitted papers will be sent to at least two reviewers.
Please submit your paper (including the List of references) according to the PAGEOPH style by going to

Publication: Papers will be published individually online shortly after being accepted. The combined manuscripts will be published both as a topical issue of the journal PAGEOPH. There is no limit on the number of pages and figures per manuscript, but the length of the article should be justified by its content.
