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Annales Henri Poincaré

A Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Publishing model:


The goal of Annales Henri Poincaré is to serve the international scientific community in theoretical and mathematical physics by collecting and publishing original research papers meeting the highest professional standards in the field.

  • Founded as a merger of 'Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, physique théorique' and 'Helvetica Physical Acta'.
  • Emphasizes analytical theoretical and mathematical physics in a broad sense.
  • Organized into eighteen sections covering various aspects of theoretical and mathematical physics.


  • Claude-Alain Pillet
Impact factor
1.5 (2022)
5 year impact factor
1.5 (2022)
Submission to first decision (median)
4 days
186,556 (2023)

Latest articles

Journal updates

  • AHP Prizes and Distinguished Papers

    Each year a prize founded by Birkhäuser is awarded for the most remarkable paper published in the journal Annales Henri Poincaré. The winners of the AHP prize are selected by the Editorial Board. Since 2008, the AHP executive board decided to award also distinguished papers. All papers are freely accessible online for one year!

    The AHP Prize 2022 was awarded to: 

    Leonhard M. A. Kehrberger 

    for his paper:

    The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity I: Heuristics and Counter-Examples

    To see the previous winners please click here (scroll down)


Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  1. ANVUR
  2. Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
  3. Baidu
  5. CNKI
  7. Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences
  8. Dimensions
  9. EBSCO
  10. Google Scholar
  12. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  13. Mathematical Reviews
  14. Naver
  15. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  16. Portico
  17. ProQuest
  18. SCImago
  19. SCOPUS
  20. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  21. TD Net Discovery Service
  22. UGC-CARE List (India)
  23. Wanfang
  24. zbMATH
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© The Association Publications de l´Institut Henri Poincaré and The Swiss Physical Society
