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manuscripta mathematica - Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) will replace Online First as of 2025

Starting with Vol. 176 (2025), manuscripta mathematica will change to continuous article publishing (CAP) mode. CAP is the immediate assignment of articles to issues upon online publication of each article, thus there will be no longer an “Online First” status without citable volume and page numbers. Instead, accepted articles will be automatically assigned to an issue and directly published with their final volume, issue, and article number.
This workflow reflects the opportunities of the electronic publishing and is no longer restricted with constraints from the print world. Most importantly, it thus prevents delays and a backlog of online first papers, as well as confusion about what is the actual publication date and correct citation.

All the articles currently in the Online First section need to be assigned to issues before the switch to CAP, therefore future issues will be substantially thicker throughout the rest of 2023 and next year.
