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Australasian Plant Disease Notes

Journal of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

Australasian Plant Disease Notes is an international journal for publication of short reports from all countries which describe original research that transcends national boundaries. All aspects of plant pathology are covered including new geographical records of diseases or pathogens, new pathogens or pathogen strains, taxonomic papers, quarantine notes, disease management and diagnostic methods.

Cover photographs:

Tulip breaking virus (TBV) symptoms, ornamental tulip, Victoria, Australia (photo by John Randles).

Tulips with stunning flower patterns due to TBV instigated the 'tulipomania' of 17th century Europe. Spectacular examples of these blossoms were painted by Dutch artists who were unaware of the cause of the patterns. Historically, these paintings are the first visual records of any plant virus symptoms, long before the concept of a 'virus' was discovered. TBV as the first recorded virus was considered a fitting motif for the first cover of the new APDN.

Background: Teliospores of Uromycladium tepperianum rust which affects many species of Acacia across Australia (photo by Roger Shivas).
