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Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry

Official Journal of the University of Navarra, Spain

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

The Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry publishes original research articles and reviews describing relevant new observations on molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms involved in human physiology. All areas of the physiology are covered. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of those levels in the whole-organism. The Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry also welcomes articles on molecular nutrition and metabolism studies, and works related to the genomic or proteomic bases of the physiological functions. Descriptive manuscripts about physiological/biochemical processes will not be considered. The journal will not accept manuscripts testing effects of animal or plant extracts.

Emeriti Editors-in-Chief:
Juan Jiménez Vargas (deceased), founder (1945-1989), Pamplona, Spain
Francisco Ponz (deceased), co-founder (1945-2009), Pamplona, Spain
Ana Barber, (1994-2014), Pamplona, Spain (deceased)
