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International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics - Upcoming Special Issue: Intelligent Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control

 Special Issue on “Intelligent Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control”. Fault detection, diagnosis and control in presence of faults are all critical elements in the supervisory layer of the industrial process control hierarchy. The vast area has rightfully witnessed nearly six decades of rich contributions from academia and industry, resulting in a repertoire of data-driven approaches that combine probability, statistics, linear algebra, optimization, graph theory and systems engineering concepts of modelling and control. These developments have been aided by excellent timely reviews of concepts and methods that not only offered broad overview but also provided insightful perspectives, which in turn germinated new ideas. Literature has thus been witness to a metamorphosis of techniques owing to the birth of a new class of methods from the stadiums and galleries of game changing eras in data science, computational developments and significant turning points in systems theory. We stand, verily, once again at such a juncture that is perhaps even more revolutionary than any of those before. That is the modern era of novel model paradigms in machine learning, new statistical tools in data science and the rapidly spreading artificial intelligence in its new manifestation.

This special issue on intelligent fault detection, diagnosis (FDD) and fault tolerant control (FTC) is a small step in the direction of capturing early impacts of ML and AI in this field. Submissions are invited on the use of ML and AI methods in fault detection, diagnosis and fault tolerant control of engineering and biological systems. The scope of this Special Issue include fault detection, diagnosis and fault tolerant control in / of / using the following, but not limited to:

• Non-linear processes
• Novel intelligent techniques
• Hybrid approaches
• Industrial and biological applications
• Anomaly detection
• Networked systems including distributed networks
• Biomedical engineering
• Attack detection in networks
• Information-theoretic detection and diagnosis
• Condition monitoring
• Novel active techniques for fault tolerant control

