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Estuaries and Coasts

Journal of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

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Estuaries and Coasts - Special Features and Articles

The H.T. Odum Synthesis Essay 2023

The Dynamics of Seagrass Ecosystems: History, Past Accomplishments, and Future Prospects (this opens in a new tab) Robert J. Orth, Kenneth L. Heck Jr.  


Ecology, Stressors, and Management of Low Inflow Estuaries (this opens in a new tab)  Guest Editors: Michael S. Wetz, Jennifer Beseres Pollack, Valérie Derolez, and Daniel Lemley

Volume 46, issue 8, December 2023


Shallow Water Mapping in Coastal Environments (this opens in a new tab): Recent Research, Current Technologies, and Multi-modal Approaches. Guest Editors: Monique LaFrance Bartley and Mark Borrelli

Volume 45, issue 4


Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology Revisited (this opens in a new tab). Guest Editors: Matthew D. Taylor, Ronald Baker, Charles Simenstad, and Michael P. Weinstein

Volume 44, issue 6

Seagrasses: A Tribute to Susan Williams (this opens in a new tab). Guest Editors: Robert J. Orth and Ken L. Heck

Volume 44, issue 2


Special Sections: Hurricane Sandy Impacts and Responses (this opens in a new tab). Guest Editors: Norbert P. Psuty and Amanda L. Babson; and Restoration Benefits in Gulf of Mexico (this opens in a new tab). Guest Editors: Melissa Vernon Carle and Kristopher Benson

Volume 43, issue 7

Impact of 2017 Hurricanes on Estuaries and Coasts in the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast States (this opens in a new tab)

Volume 43, Issue 5 / July 2020

Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impact Around the Korean Coastal Ecosystems (this opens in a new tab)

Volume 43, Issue 3 / May 2020


Integrating Ecosystems and Coastal Engineering Practice (this opens in a new tab)
Volume 42, issue 7 - November 2019
Guest Editors: M. Luisa Martinez, Rodolfo Silva, and Malva A. Mancuso

Articles in this section: 

The Incorporation of Biophysical and Social Components in Coastal Management (this opens in a new tab)
Authors (1st, 2nd, and last of 13): Rodolfo Silva Valeria Chávez Pedro Pereira                                

Hard Structures for Coastal Protection, Towards Greener Designs (this opens in a new tab)
Authors (1st, 2nd, and last of 7): T. Schoonees A. Gijón Mancheño H. Schüttrumpf                                      

Does the Functional Richness of Plants Reduce Wave Erosion on Embryo Coastal Dunes? (this opens in a new tab)
Authors (1st, 2nd, and last of 7): Carmelo Maximiliano-Cordova Karla Salgado Rusty A. Feagin             

Effects of Roughness Loss on Reef Hydrodynamics and Coastal Protection: Approaches in Latin America (this opens in a new tab)
Authors (1st, 2nd, and last of 15): Juan D. Osorio-Cano Juan C. Alcérreca-Huerta Hocine Oumeraci           

Short-Term Shoreline Trend Detection Patterns Using SPOT-5 Image Fusion in the Northwest of Yucatan, Mexico (this opens in a new tab)
Authors (1st, 2nd, and last of 4): Ana Patricia Ruiz-Beltran Alejandro Astorga-Moar Christian M. Appendini     


Impact of Coastal Land Use and Shoreline Armoring on Estuarine Ecosystems
Guest Editors: Diann J. Prosser, Thomas E. Jordan, Rochelle D. Seitz, Donald E. Weller, Dennis F. Whigham, and Jessica L. Nagel

Our Virtual Issues are compiled in close collaboration with the Editors-in-Chief P. Montagna and C. Simenstad and focus on cutting-edge topics. They present key articles which have been published in the journal over the course of the last years.

Articles in this Virtual Issue:

Effects of Small-Scale Armoring and Residential Development on the Salt Marsh-Upland Ecotone (this opens in a new tab)

Land Use and Salinity Drive Changes in SAV Abundance and Community Composition (this opens in a new tab)

Effects of Local Watershed Land Use on Water Quality in Mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays and Subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay (this opens in a new tab)

Influences of Wave Climate and Sea Level on Shoreline Erosion Rates in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay (this opens in a new tab)

Effects of Local Shoreline and Subestuary Watershed Condition on Waterbird Community Integrity: Influences of Geospatial Scale and Season in the Chesapeake Bay (this opens in a new tab)

Integrating Regional Management Needs into a Mid-Atlantic Shorelines Research Project (this opens in a new tab)

Growth and Movements of Mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) Along Armored and Vegetated Estuarine Shorelines (this opens in a new tab)

Generalizing Ecological Effects of Shoreline Armoring Across Soft Sediment Environments (this opens in a new tab)

In Situ Effects of Shoreline Type and Watershed Land Use on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Quality in the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays (this opens in a new tab)

Shoreline Hardening Affects Nekton Biomass, Size Structure, and Taxonomic Diversity in Nearshore Waters, with Responses Mediated by Functional Species Groups (this opens in a new tab)

Impact of Armored Shorelines on Shore-Zone Fish Density in a Mid-Atlantic, USA, Estuary: Modulation by Hypoxia and Temperature (this opens in a new tab)

Spatial and Temporal Variation in Brackish Wetland Seedbanks: Implications for Wetland Restoration Following Phragmites Control (this opens in a new tab)

Linking the Abundance of Estuarine Fish and Crustaceans in Nearshore Waters to Shoreline Hardening and Land Cover (this opens in a new tab)

Effects of watershed and estuarine characteristics on the abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay subestuaries (this opens in a new tab)

Effects of Shoreline Alteration and Other Stressors on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays (this opens in a new tab)

The Relationship Between Shoreline Armoring and Adjacent Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Nearby Atlantic Coastal Bays (this opens in a new tab)


True Value of Estuarine and Coastal Nurseries for Fish: Incorporating Complexity and Dynamics (this opens in a new tab)
By Marcus Sheaves, Ronald Baker, Ivan Nagelkerken, Rod M. Connolly


CERF Mar Del Plata Conferenc and In Honor of Michele L. Dionne
Volume 38, Issue 4 / July 2015

The Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh Plots—Some History, Highlights, and Contrails from a Long-Term Study (this opens in a new tab)

A View From the South on the Changing Coastal and Estuarine Environments (this opens in a new tab)

In Memoriam, Scott M. Nixon (1943–2012) (this opens in a new tab)

Contrasting Sensitivity of Marine Biota to UV-B Radiation Between Southern and Northern Hemispheres (this opens in a new tab)

Differential Responses of Two Phytoplankton Communities from the Chubut River Estuary (Patagonia, Argentina) to the Combination of UVR and Elevated Temperature (this opens in a new tab)

UVA and UVB Penetration in the Water Column of a South West Atlantic Warm Temperate Estuary and its Effects on Cells and Fish Larvae (this opens in a new tab)

CO2-Driven Ocean Acidification Disrupts the Filter Feeding Behavior in Chilean Gastropod and Bivalve Species from Different Geographic Localities (this opens in a new tab)

Can a Single Species Challenge Paradigms of Salt Marsh Functioning? (this opens in a new tab)

Land–Sea Coupling and Global-Driven Forcing: Following Some of Scott Nixon’s Challenges (this opens in a new tab)

Paradigms in the Recovery of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems (this opens in a new tab)

Dedication: Dr. Michele L. Dionne (1954–2012) (this opens in a new tab)

Use of Structured Decision Making to Identify Monitoring Variables and Management Priorities for Salt Marsh Ecosystems (this opens in a new tab)

Fish Productivity and Trophic Transfer in Created and Naturally Occurring Salt Marsh Habitat (this opens in a new tab)

Rethinking the Freshwater Eel: Salt Marsh Trophic Support of the American Eel, Anguilla rostrata (this opens in a new tab)The Influence of Salt Marsh Fucoid Algae (Ecads) on Sediment Dynamics of Northwest Atlantic Marshes (this opens in a new tab)

Exploring the Effects of Shoreline Development on Fringing Salt Marshes Using Nekton, Benthic Invertebrate, and Vegetation Metrics (this opens in a new tab)

Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Marsh as Fish Habitat (this opens in a new tab)

Factors That Drive Restoration of Nekton Communities in Impaired Salt Marshes of Northeastern North America (this opens in a new tab)

Community Structure and Abundance of Benthic Infaunal Invertebrates in Maine Fringing Marsh Ecosystems (this opens in a new tab)

Landscape-Scale Food Webs of Fish Nursery Habitat Along a River-Coast Mixing Zone (this opens in a new tab)

Abundance and Diet of Predatory Fishes in Phragmites, Treated Phragmites, and Natural Spartina Marshes in Delaware Bay (this opens in a new tab)

The Response of Fish Communities to Climate and Human-Induced Changes Inferred from Fishery Landings in an Enclosed Bay (this opens in a new tab)

Seasonal Distribution of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins at an Estuarine Habitat: Influences of Upstream Rainfall (this opens in a new tab)

Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts; and Renewable Ocean Energy Development and the Environment
Volume 38, Issue 1 Supplement / January 2015

Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts (this opens in a new tab)

Estimating Benefits in a Recovering Estuary: Tampa Bay, Florida (this opens in a new tab)

Causes and Consequences of Ecosystem Service Regionalization in a Coastal Suburban Watershed (this opens in a new tab)

Managing Bay and Estuarine Ecosystems for Multiple Services (this opens in a new tab)

Impacts of Coastal Development on the Ecology of Tidal Creek Ecosystems of the US Southeast Including Consequences to Humans (this opens in a new tab)

Stakeholder Perceptions of Coastal Habitat Ecosystem Services (this opens in a new tab)

Geological Responses to Urbanization of the Naples Bay Estuarine System, Southwestern Florida, USA (this opens in a new tab)

Environmental Models and Public Stakeholders in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (this opens in a new tab)

Resiliency of the Coastal Recreational For-Hire Fishing Industry to Natural Disasters (this opens in a new tab)

A Tale of Two Fishes: Using Recreational Angler Records to Examine the Link Between Fish Catches and Floodplain Connections in a Subtropical Coastal River (this opens in a new tab)

unding Science that Links to Decisions: Case Studies Involving Coastal Land Use Planning Projects (this opens in a new tab)“The Coast” is Complicated: A Model to Consistently Describe the Nation’s Coastal Population (this opens in a new tab)

Special Issue: Renewable Ocean Energy Development and the Environment (this opens in a new tab)

Impacts of a Wave Farm on Waves, Currents and Coastal Morphology in South West England (this opens in a new tab)

A Modeling Study of the Potential Water Quality Impacts from In-Stream Tidal Energy Extraction (this opens in a new tab)

Modeling the Effects of Tidal Energy Extraction on Estuarine Hydrodynamics in a Stratified Estuary (this opens in a new tab)

Survival and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to a Hydrokinetic Turbine on Juvenile Atlantic Salmon and Adult American Shad (this opens in a new tab)

Using Hydroacoustics to Understand Fish Presence and Vertical Distribution in a Tidally Dynamic Region Targeted for Energy Extraction (this opens in a new tab)

Multibeam Acoustic Detection of Fish and Water Column Targets at High-Flow Sites (this opens in a new tab)

Fish Interactions with a Commercial-Scale Tidal Energy Device in the Natural Environment (this opens in a new tab)

Understanding and Informing Permitting Decisions for Tidal Energy Development Using an Adaptive Management Framework (this opens in a new tab)

Tidal Power Development in Maine: Stakeholder Identification and Perceptions of Engagement (this opens in a new tab)

Will Offshore Energy Face “Fair Winds and Following Seas”?: Understanding the Factors Influencing Offshore Wind Acceptance (this opens in a new tab)

Environmental Risk Evaluation System—an Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments (this opens in a new tab)

The Arctic Ocean Estuary
Volume 35, Number 2 / March 2012
Highlighted papers from this issue:

The Arctic Ocean Estuary (this opens in a new tab)

The Arctic Coastal Dynamics Database: A New Classification Scheme and Statistics on Arctic Permafrost Coastlines (this opens in a new tab)

Seasonal and Annual Fluxes of Nutrients and Organic Matter from Large Rivers to the Arctic Ocean and Surrounding Seas (this opens in a new tab)

The Processing and Impact of Dissolved Riverine Nitrogen in the Arctic Ocean (this opens in a new tab)

Food Web Structure of the Alaskan Nearshore Shelf and Estuarine Lagoons of the Beaufort Sea (this opens in a new tab)

Volume 35, Number 2 (this opens in a new tab)


Drivers of Change in Shallow Coastal Photic Systems
Volume 37, Issue 1 Supplement / March 2014

Drivers of Change in Shallow Coastal Photic Systems: An Introduction to a Special Issue (this opens in a new tab)

Impacts of Varying Estuarine Temperature and Light Conditions on Zostera marina (Eelgrass) and its Interactions With Ruppia maritima (Widgeongrass) (this opens in a new tab)

Hydrologic Variability and Its Control of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Function in Two Shallow, Coastal, Lagoonal Ecosystems: The Neuse and New River Estuaries, North Carolina, USA (this opens in a new tab)

Impacts of Climate-Related Drivers on the Benthic Nutrient Filter in a Shallow Photic Estuary (this opens in a new tab)

Exchange of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Between a Shallow Lagoon and Coastal Waters (this opens in a new tab)

Linking Hydrogeomorphology and Food Webs in Intertidal Creeks (this opens in a new tab)

Fortnightly Tidal Modulations Affect Net Community Production in a Mesotidal Estuary (this opens in a new tab)

Multi-decade Responses of a Tidal Creek System to Nutrient Load Reductions: Mattawoman Creek, Maryland USA (this opens in a new tab)

Eutrophication of a Maryland/Virginia Coastal Lagoon: a Tipping Point, Ecosystem Changes, and Potential Causes (this opens in a new tab)

Interannual Variability Influences Brown Tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) Blooms in Coastal Embayments (this opens in a new tab)

Extreme Eutrophication in Shallow Estuaries and Lagoons of California Is Driven by a Unique Combination of Local Watershed Modifications That Trump Variability Associated with Wet and Dry Seasons (this opens in a new tab)

Eutrophication-Driven Shifts in Primary Producers in Shallow Coastal Systems: Implications for System Functional Change (this opens in a new tab)

Mind the Data Gap: Identifying and Assessing Drivers of Changing Eutrophication Condition (this opens in a new tab)

Seasonal and Inter-annual Patterns in Primary Production, Respiration, and Net Ecosystem Metabolism in Three Estuaries in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico (this opens in a new tab)

Volume 37, Supplement 1 (this opens in a new tab)


The Odum Synthesis Essay 2016
Joy B. Zedler: What’s New in Adaptive Management and Restoration of Coasts and Estuaries?
Read the article (this opens in a new tab)

The Odum Synthesis Essay 2015
Ivan Valiela: The Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh Plots - Some History, Highlights, and Contrails from a Long-Term Study
Read the article (this opens in a new tab)

The Odum Synthesis Essay 2014
Hans W. Paerl, Nathan S. Hall, Benjamin L. Peierls, Karen L. Rossignol: Evolving Paradigms and Challenges in Estuarine and Coastal Eutrophication Dynamics in a Culturally and Climatically Stressed World
Read the article (this opens in a new tab)

The Odum Syntheis Essay 2013
Carlos Duarte et al: Is Ocean Acidification an Open-Ocean Syndrome? Understanding Anthropogenic Impacts on Seawater pH.
Read the article (this opens in a new tab)
