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Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali - First issue of 2021 is online

Free Access to full text articles till 9 May 2021

New Content ItemEditorial on “Cannabis and cannabinoids: history, practice and socio-economical inferences of a controversial plant”  (this opens in a new tab) Vincenzo Di Marzo & Gennaro Marino 

Cannabinoids: a class of unique natural products with unique pharmacology (this opens in a new tab) Fabiana Piscitelli & Vincenzo Di Marzo 

Learn more about all articles included in the topical collection Cannabis and Cannabinoids (this opens in a new tab)


New Content ItemQuasicrystalline patterns in western Islamic art: problems and solutions (this opens in a new tab)  by Emil Makovicky

Plasma physics and astrophysics: retrospects, state-of-the art, and prospects  (this opens in a new tab) by Giuseppina Nigro ,Francesco Pegoraro and Francesco Valentini

New Content ItemMineralogical, petrological and planetological heritage (this opens in a new tab)

 by Giovanni Pratesi and Annarita Franza (OPEN ACCESS)
