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Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) - Editor-in-Chief Highlights: February 2020

IJMS Issue Cover ImageFind Prof. Tormey’s ‘EIC Highlights’ from our February 2020 issue (Vol 189, Iss 1) below. You can access the complete issue here (this opens in a new tab).

Education for life in medicine

What are the current ‘top five’ perceived educational needs of Irish general practitioners? (this opens in a new tab) Stephanie Dowling, Jason Last, Henry Finnegan et al.

Research output in Irish hospitals

Participation of the hospitals in the Republic of Ireland in international research over more than a decade: a bibliometric analysis. (this opens in a new tab) Ahmed Abdelaal Ahmed Mahmoud, Mohamed I Younis, Christopher Holmes et al.

Thyroid dysfunction and diabetes

The prevalence and incidence of thyroid dysfunction in patients with diabetes - a longitudinal follow-up study (this opens in a new tab). Roxana Maria Tudor, Aoife Garrahy, Conor P. Woods et al.

Fibromyalgia and exercise

Does physical exercise improve quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia? (this opens in a new tab) Sofia Mendes Sieczkowska, Guilherme Torres Vilarino, Loiane Cristina de Souza & Alexandro Andrade.

Tobacco-free Ireland

Towards a Tobacco Free Ireland—scaling up and strengthening quit smoking behaviour at population level. (this opens in a new tab) Naomi Petty-Saphon & Paul Kavanagh.
