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Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) - Editor-in-Chief Highlights: November 2019

IJMS Issue Cover ImageFind Prof. Tormey’s ‘EIC Highlights’ from our November 2019 issue (Vol 188, Iss 4) below. You can access the complete issue here (this opens in a new tab).

“Organ donor guidelines”

Intensive Care Society of Ireland — Guidelines for management of the potential organ donor (2018—2nd edition). (this opens in a new tab) Conrick-Martin I, Gaffney A, Dwyer R et al on behalf of the Intensive Care Society of Ireland.

“Attitudes to depression”

Mood matters: a national survey on attitudes to depression (this opens in a new tab). Kelly JR, Cosgrove M, Judd C et al.

“Hypopituitarism and brain injury”

Hypopituitarism post traumatic brain injury (TBI): review (this opens in a new tab). Kgosidialwa O & Agha A.

“Myasthenia gravis and pregnancy”

Myasthenia gravis and pregnancy: retrospective evaluation of 27 pregnancies in a tertiary center and comparison with previous studies. (this opens in a new tab) Tanacan A, Fadiloglu E, Ozten G et al.

“Ethics and liver transplants in Asia”

Ethical dilemmas related to living donor liver transplantation in Asia (this opens in a new tab). Shazi L & Abbas Z.
