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Plant Biotechnology Reports - Molecular Insights into Biological Rhythms and Stress Signaling in Plants

Special Issue in Journal of Plant Biology

Guest editor: Prof. Woe-Yeon Kim
Period for submission: By the end of Feb. 2025
Planned number of publication: 10 papers
Planned publication month: June, 2025

Biological rhythms represent periodic fluctuations in living organisms, synchronizing with environmental changes over a 24-hour cycle. The circadian clock, a crucial endogenous timekeeping mechanism in cells, adjusts biological rhythms in response to external cues, regulating physiological, metabolic, and behavioral processes of living organisms. Plants, as sessile organisms, are sensitive to environmental changes as input pathways, coordinating complex transcription-translation feedback loops of clock oscillators, which drive various transcriptional, biochemical, and physiological responses as outputs. Recent studies highlight the crucial role of the plant circadian clock network in environmental adaptation, ranging from ambient compliance to stress tolerance, in coordination with stress regulatory proteins. This Special Issue not only explores the interconnection between biological rhythms and stress signaling in plants, but also plans to cover independent manuscripts focusing on either circadian clock or stress defense mechanisms.
