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Transactions in Operations Research

Publishing model:

TOP - TOP is among the best editorial practice journals at Springer Nature.

Throughout the year Springer Nature invites journal authors to provide feedback on their publishing experience. We reviewed the prior year's data to identify the journals that exemplified editorial excellence in 2020. The top percentile of journals was determined by taking the mean of authors ratings of two statements from a 5-point scale: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5). 

Those statements are:

"The editorial advice and comments throughout the process helped to improve the paper" 

"The editors managed the peer review process well" 

TOP scores on these statements are among best 10% of the qualified journals.

Springer Nature thanks the exceptional editors of TOP who contributed to these achievements for their continued dedication to advancing research. The work, commitment, and passion brought to Springer Nature journals each day is greatly appreciated.
