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Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A - Call for Papers “SPECIAL ISSUE: Operational Strategies and Designs for Next Generation Redox Flow Batteries”

The growing integration of renewable energy sources into the energy mix demands the development of effective energy storage systems. Redox flow batteries (RFBs) are emerging as promising technologies due to their ability to decouple energy capacity from power output, making them well-suited for large-scale stationary energy storage applications. Despite significant efforts to improve performance-related components, such as porous electrodes, membranes, and electrolytes, the overall performance of RFBs still requires enhancement to reduce operational costs and fulfill the demands of broader commercial applications. Meeting this requirement depends on the continuous optimization of key parameters that represent performance losses throughout the RFB operation. Operational strategies for RFBs encompass optimizing electrolyte flow rates, developing charging and discharging current strategies, and managing temperature control and heat dissipation. Moreover, focusing on innovative designs that address performance-limiting factors, such as stack topology, electrolyte storage reservoir designs, and electrode modifications, has proven effective and crucial for enhancing battery efficiency and lifespan. This special issue will contain the original works highlighting recent advances in various subjects for operational strategies and innovative critical battery component designs for next-generation RFB systems.

Focal points of the special issue include, but are not limited to innovative applications:

(1) Operational strategies for enhancing RFB performance.

(2) Innovative designs for performance-related battery components.

(3) Numerical simulations for battery performance prediction.

(4) Battery management systems and diagnostics.

(5) Experimental studies on performance-limiting factors in RFBs.

Guest Editors:


Associate Prof. Menglian ZHENG,
Zhejiang University, China (this opens in a new tab)


Associate Prof. Yunlong JI,
Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS, China (this opens in a new tab)


Dr. Baichen LIU,
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (this opens in a new tab)


JZUS-A Editorial Office
Tel: +86 (0) 571-8795 2783

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024

Publication Date: December, 2024

Note to authors:

Please pay attention that the submission belongs to the special issue Operational Strategies and Designs for Next Generation Redox Flow Batteries in the Editorial Manager.

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Papers will be published online upon acceptance, regardless of the Special Issue publication date.

Welcome your contributions!
