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Journal of Chinese Political Science - Call for Papers: The US-China Relations: Domestic Dynamics and External Implications

The U.S. and China are the two most powerful nation-states in the world today and their relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the contemporary world. However, the current China-US relations are facing an extremely severe and complicated situation since the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Journal of Chinese Political Science, JIF 4.4 (Q1), ranking 18 in political science, calls for papers for a special issue which is intended to assess the current U.S.-China relations and explore how the bilateral relations between the two most powerful countries are driven by their respective domestic dynamics with an impact on the contemporary world. The papers submitted for this special issue should pursue this topic from an IR theoretical perspective, focusing on any aspect(s), such as overall China-U.S. bilateral relations, geopolitical rivalry, security, economic relations, technological competition, conflicting values and political systems, or others. It is expected that every paper shall provide an assessment of the current status of China-U.S. relations (i.e., cooperation, competition, confrontation or some kind of combination) and its impact on the world or a major region (East Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, etc.).

The deadline for accepting paper abstracts: September 1, 2023. The deadline for manuscript submission: December 1, 2023.  Please submit the abstracts to Professor Kevin Cai at (this opens in a new tab)  The abstracts should include the following:


Author(s), affiliations, positions and emails

Abstract: state clearly the following elements: research purpose, question, why this research question is theoretically and empirically significant, research design/theoretical/methodological approach, academic value and theoretical contributions

5 keywords
