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An International Review of Philosophy

Publishing model:

Topoi - Topoi Conferences

Since 2012, every 2 years Topoi organizes a conference, which mirrors the rationale and the format of the journal: each conference is devoted to a specific topic of philosophical interest, it is organized by guest chairs, and a selection of the papers presented there later becomes an issue of Topoi. As a result, Topoi conferences are high-profile, itinerant scholarly events on a garden variety of philosophical themes. The following is the current list:

29-30 November 2012, Roma (IT): 1st Topoi conference on “Intentions: Philosophical and Empirical Issues”, organized by Fabio Paglieri & Markus Schlosser

2-3 October 2014, Oxford (UK): 2nd Topoi conference on “The Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics”, organized by Anna Marmodoro

27-28 October 2016, Munich (DE): 3rd Topoi conference on “New Trends in Rational Choice Theory”, organized by Cedric Paternotte

31 May – 1 June 2018, Torino (IT): 4th Topoi conference on “Foundational Issues in Philosophical Semantics”, organized by Vincenzo Crupi, Andrea Iacona & Carlotta Pavese

12-13 June 2020, Lisbon (PG): 5th Topoi conference on “Elites and Populism in Political Philosophy”, organized by Giovanni Damele & André Santos Campos
