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An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

Publishing model:

Synthese - Topical Collection Submission Information

Thanks for your interest in submitting a proposal for a Topical Collection in Synthese.

We prepared an explanation of the publishing proces (this opens in a new tab)s and relevant information for guest editors (this opens in a new tab). We invite you to read these documents carefully; they will help you with the preparation and successful implementation of a topical collection.

When you are ready to start preparing a proposal, we invite you to do so via the form we prepared. (this opens in a new tab) This will provide us with the information we need to be able to make a fast and well-informed decision.  

Please submit your proposal here (this opens in a new tab)

Should you have any questions, please contact us (the Synthese Editors in Chief) or the publisher: (this opens in a new tab) at any point.

The Editors in Chief, Synthese
