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Review of Economics of the Household - REHO Free Access Collection

The Editors of Review of Economics of the Household invite you to enjoy free access to a rolling selection of articles.  This collection will be updated monthly with a new assortment of papers, and each selected non-open access paper will be available free of charge for a period of eight weeks. Open Access papers are always available free of charge.

Parents, neighbors and youth crime (this opens in a new tab) by Carlos Díaz & Eleonora Patacchini (Free Access through July 31)

On the economic determinants of prostitution: marriage compensation and unilateral divorce in U.S. states (this opens in a new tab) by Riccardo Ciacci (Free Access through July 31)

Financial inclusion and multidimensional child poverty (this opens in a new tab) by Issac Koomson, Raymond Elikplim Kofinti & Esther Laryea (Free Access through July 31)

Immigrant English Proficiency, Children’s Educational Performance, and Parental Involvement (this opens in a new tab) by Alberto Ortega & Tyler Ludwig (Free Access through July 31)

Parental involvement and neighborhood quality: evidence from public housing demolitions in Chicago (this opens in a new tab) by Joel Kaiyuan Han (Free Access through July 31)

Selected Open Access Articles

The effect of gender norms on gender-based sorting across occupations (this opens in a new tab) by Marina Morales & Miriam Marcén (Open Access)

Intermediate activities while commuting (this opens in a new tab) by José Ignacio Giménez-Nadal, José Alberto Molina & Jorge Velilla (Open Access)

Working from home leads to more family-oriented men (this opens in a new tab) by Chihiro Inoue, Yusuke Ishihata & Shintaro Yamaguchi (Open Access)

The Impact of the COVID-19 recession on Mexican households: evidence from employment and time use for men, women and children (this opens in a new tab) by Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, Adan Silverio-Murillo, Jose Roberto Balmori de la Miyar & Jacob Penglase (Open Access)

Child Development and Distance Learning in the age of COVID-19 (this opens in a new tab) by Hugues Champeaux, Lucia Mangiavacci, Francesca Marchetta & Luca Piccoli (Open Access)

Adverse childhood experiences and unhealthy lifestyles later in life: evidence from SHARE countries (this opens in a new tab) by A. Brugiavini, R.E. Buia, M. Kovacic & C.E. Orso (Open Access)

Income loss among the self-employed: implications for individual wellbeing and pandemic policy measures (this opens in a new tab) by Stefan Schneck (Open Access)

The impact of COVID-19 recession on Mexican households: evidence from employment and time use for men, women, and children by (this opens in a new tab) Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, Adan Silverio-Murillo, Jose Roberto Balmori de la Miyar & Jacob Penglase (Open Access)

Does retirement reduce familiarity with Information and Communication Technology? (this opens in a new tab) By Danilo Cavapozzi & Chiara Dal Bianco (Open Access)
