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Quantitative Marketing and Economics - Our editorial review philosophy

Our aim is to provide the best possible service to our authors through a streamlined and knowledgeable review process. Each manuscript will be assigned to one of the co-editors. This will encourage specialization on the part of the editors to manuscripts for which they have the greatest subject matter knowledge. In most instances, there will only be two referees, one of whom will be an Associate Editor. We have a firm policy of a decision by a maximum of two rounds.

As editors, we will attempt to encourage a spirit of risk-taking. It is our view that it is far worse to reject an innovative article than to accept an incremental one. We will attempt to rein in the tendency of referees to require endless elaboration of models or comparisons to the existing literature. 

Where there are legitimate disputes between authors and referees, we will freely exercise our option to print the article and invite discussion in the spirit of intellectual debate.
