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Phytochemistry Reviews

Fundamentals and Perspectives of Natural Products Research

Publishing model:

Phytochemistry Reviews - Manuscripts intended for a Special Issue: Important submission information

To submit a manuscript to one of the Phytochemistry Reviews (this opens in a new tab) Special Issues, authors should follow the steps below to ensure it can be considered as part of the correct Special Issue.

Submission letter

Authors should include a clear statement that the authors were invited to contribute to the Special Issue with the submitted manuscript. This statement can be included as a cover letter or in the "Comments" step of the submission process.

To submit a manuscript to one of the Special Issues, authors should follow the steps below:

  1. Authors submit their paper through the journal's online submission system (this opens in a new tab).
  2. In the “Additional Information” step, authors must select “Yes” to the question “Has this manuscript been invited to a special issue?”.
  3. In the “Please select the special issue your manuscript belongs to.” step, authors must select the correct special issue from the drop-down menu.

Submission System Screenshot
