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Natural Language Semantics

An International Journal of Semantics and Its Interfaces in Grammar

Publishing model:

Natural Language Semantics - Transliteration

Where possible, all examples from languages not using the Latin alphabet, in particular all East Asian languages, should be transliterated using an accepted system of transliteration. Authors should use their chosen system consistently throughout the manuscript. Where no standard system has been adopted in the literature (e.g., examples of certain dialects never described before), use symbols to represent sounds that are as close to the IPA symbols as possible, and give explanations where appropriate. Where a transliteration system is already used in the literature, no new transliteration system invented by the author will be accepted.

Example sentences

In the text, all examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses. If several examples are cited together as a group, use a numeral enclosed in parentheses for the whole group, and a lowercase letter of the alphabet followed by a full stop for each example. The first words of all examples (excluding diacritics for grammaticality status) should be aligned. In the text, examples and sub examples are referred to by their numbers and letters enclosed in parentheses, as in (5), (7a), (8b), etc. In (foot)notes, examples are numbered using lowercase Roman numerals: (i), (ii), (iiia), etc.

Each example sentence in languages other than English must be translated into English twice. First, give a word−for−word gloss, and then an idiomatic translation. The word−for−word glosses should be neatly aligned under the original forms, and the idiomatic translation should follow on a line below, enclosed in single quotes. 


(2) a. *John said that Mary criticized himself.
b. Zhangsan i shuo Lisi piping−le ziji i.
Zhangsan said Lisi criticize−Perf self
‘Zhangsan said that Lisi criticized Zhangsan.‘
