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Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry

An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry is an international, interdisciplinary forum publishing work at the intersections of medicine, the social sciences, and the humanities with a specific focus on human experiences of mind, mental distress, and mental health. Founded in 1977, the journal promotes more inclusive understandings of mental distress and illness, particularly by focusing on the role of culture and social context while also illuminating the lived experiences of clinicians, as well as users of mental health care and their families. For this journal, mental health “care” includes biomedical as well as alternative approaches, including (but not limited to): traditional healing, alternative medicine, mutual support, psychedelic treatment, and more.

The journal publishes original research that includes social science methodologies such as ethnographic and qualitative research, as well as historical methods such as archival research. Articles should inform clinically-relevant interdisciplinary conversations and include citations from fields like anthropology, medicine/public health, and the medical humanities. We also seek provocative pieces that challenge current trends in the social sciences, humanities and medicine, which can be published as peer-reviewed “perspectives” pieces. In addition, the journal intends to publish more book reviews and opinion pieces and these are welcome. 

We do not publish pieces that are based on computer-driven text analysis, testing of psychometric scales, or that offer only quantitative data. We also do not publish analyses focused on the psychological traits of fictional characters in books and films.
