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Journal of Mining Science
Publishing model:

Aims and scope

Journal of Mining Science is a peer-reviewed journal that reflects the current trends in fundamental and applied mining sciences. It publishes original articles on geomechanics and geoinformation science, investigation of relationships between global geodynamic processes and man-induced disasters, physical and mathematical modeling of rheological and wave and failure processes in multiphase structural geological media and rock mass, analysis and synthesis of mechanisms, automatic machines, and robots, the science of mining machines, creation of resource-saving and ecologically safe technologies of mineral mining, mine aerology and mine thermal physics, coal seam degassing, mechanisms for the origination of spontaneous fires and methods for their extinction, mineral dressing, and bowel exploitation. Previously focused on translation, the journal now has the aim to become an international publication and accepts manuscripts originally submitted in English from all countries, along with translated works. The peer review policy of the journal is independent of the manuscript source, ensuring a fair and unbiased evaluation process for all submissions.
