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Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade

Applied Theory. Innovative Empirical Analysis. Economic Policy

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

The Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (JICT) publishes research on the microeconomic foundations of the functioning of markets for goods and services, firm strategy, competition, innovation and new technologies, international trade, environmental and energy economics, and economic policy and outcomes. It aims to be a general interest journal in these areas and to publish applied theoretical papers and empirical research.

Applied theoretical papers must clearly highlight their implications for empirical analysis and economic policy. Empirical papers should have strong methodological foundations and use innovative data. Articles submitted to the journal should clearly highlight the applied theoretical, empirical, methodological and policy aspects.

Aside from the more rigorous applied theoretical and empirical papers in the above-mentioned areas, JICT has a strong interest in publishing papers in areas related to industrial policy, regulations, and competitiveness. The economic policy papers and analysis are aimed to inform and create dialogue between academic researchers, public policy professionals, and businesses.

The journal encourages submission of focused and compact survey articles in the areas noted above. JICT publishes special issues on selected topics of current interest.

The Advisory Board and the Editorial Board of JICT comprises of highly-respected economists, many of whom have made significant contributions to the academic literature as well as to economic and public policy.

Officially cited as: J Ind Compet Trade
