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  • *CLOSED* - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Established Adulthood

    The period of the adult lifespan from age 30 to 45, recently conceptualized as established adulthood (Mehta et al., 2020), has been under-investigated. This special issue aims to bring together research on this newly conceptualized period. Papers may utilize qualitative or quantitative methodology, and may focus on any area of research or theory related to the experiences of this group. We encourage work that highlights the distinctiveness of established adulthood from emerging adulthood and midlife and papers that focus on the Career-and-Care-Crunch of competing work and family responsibilities. We also encourage papers that consider variations in the timing and experience of established adulthood, including variations by race/ethnicity, gender, culture, and social class. 

    Guest Editors:  Clare M. Mehta, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
    Submission Deadlines: Letter of Intent due January 30, 2021; Invitations to Submit due March 11, 2021; Full Manuscript Submissions due August 3, 2021. 
