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De Economist

Netherlands Economic Review

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De Economist - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Scientific Insights to Deliver Sustainable Growth and Full Employment

Editor: Stijn Baert

Submission deadline: 1 March 2024

The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are now an important guide for many national and supra-national policymakers to address the pressing environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world.

Decisions made by policymakers on these issues are ideally underpinned by scientific research. In this respect, it is important, on the one hand, to synthesise scientific knowledge on the thresholds for and approaches to these goals and, on the other, to identify gaps in the scientific literature.

De Economist therefore plans a special issue consisting entirely of systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses related to the SDG that may have the most economic research happening on it, i.e. SDG 8, ‘promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’.

Broad themes within which research on a specific threshold or approach can be synthesised:

  • Economic growth
  • Economic growth and environmental degradation
  • Economic productivity
  • Technological upgrading and innovation
  • Employment, unemployment and inactivit
  • Gender wage gap
  • Youth unemployment
  • Integration of persons with disabilities
  • Labour market integration of migrants
  • Safe and secure working environments

Minimal requirements

The preconditions for a study to be submitted are as follows:

  • the introduction should (i) link to SDG 8 and (ii) clarify how the study positions itself vis-à-vis other review studies;
  • methodologically, a common framework for the selection of studies (such as the SPIDER framework) should be followed as well as an analytical framework (tabular overview, meta-analysis, meta-regression...) for the synthesis of the studies;
  • the conclusion of the study should include clear take aways for researchers (gaps in the discussed literature that follow-up research can occupy) and for policy makers.

Submission procedure

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 1 March 2024. However, they can also be submitted, reviewed, revised and published online before then to be bundled into the special issue in autumn 2024. An accelerated review process with final decisions within six months is aimed at anyway.
