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Criminal Law Forum

The Official Journal of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law

Publishing model:

Criminal Law Forum - Article Rule and Review Guidelines

Criminal Law Forum accepts three different kinds of submissions.

1. Research Papers

Research papers are original papers which treat a specific issue in an innovative and in-depth way. They should normally not exceed 15,000 words (including footnotes). The journal also accepts longer submissions if this is justified by their substantive content. More than 20,000 words are usually not acceptable. For further information see our ‘Instructions for Authors’ at (this opens in a new tab).

After submission via the Editorial Manager (this opens in a new tab), manuscripts will go through the following stages:

  • Formal examination to ensure the information about the identity of the author is not on the manuscript, and to check length, as well as instances where the submission is self-evidently unsuitable. This stage is normally complete within two weeks of submission.
  • A substantive assessment by both the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors to evaluate whether the manuscript is prima facie suitable and ready to be sent for anonymous review. If the manuscript is not thought suitable or ready, it will have to be rejected at this point. This normally occurs within two weeks, so at the latest one month after submission.
  • If the manuscript is suitable and ready for review, two anonymous reviewers will then be sought to offer independent and expert advice. If the manuscript is sent for review, the reviewers are given a standard period of thirty days (though this may be extended upon request by the reviewer).
  • Once the external reviews have been received, both the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors will make an assessment based on those reviews and their own assessment of the paper. Normally, a decision will be made whether to reject, to accept or to seek (minor or major) revisions. Exceptionally, if there are contradictory reviews and the contradictions cannot be reconciled, a third reviewer will be sought.
  • If revisions are required, authors will be asked to resubmit the revised paper explaining how they have responded to the criticisms of the Reviewers/General Editors. Especially after a major revision, the amended version, once submitted, will again be sent out for review (normally to the initial reviewers, if available).
  • If accepted, the author will once again be asked to check all references to ensure they are correct and to ensure the manuscript complies with the ‘Instructions for Authors’. 

2. Case notes

Case notes discuss important international or national decisions of international courts, regional courts (such as regional human rights courts) or higher national courts. If the decisions are not available in English, a short summary of the facts, procedural history/context and legal considerations is necessary. Case notes should not exceed 6,000 words (including footnotes); longer notes may be admitted exceptionally.

Case notes will also have to be submitted via the Editorial Manager (this opens in a new tab). When submitting a case note authors are requested to make sure to choose “Case Note” from the drop-down menu of submission options.

The review will be carried out by the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors.

3. Book Reviews, Review Essays and Conference Reports

The Criminal Law Forum welcomes book reviews, as well as suggestions for books to review. A longer, in-depth treatment of a book may be published as a review essay. Both book reviews and review essay are to be submitted via the Editorial Manager (this opens in a new tab). When submitting book reviews be sure to choose “Book Review” from the drop-down menu of submission options.

Book Reviews should provide an external perspective to the book under review, different from the one of the author or publisher. Bear in mind that the table of contents and back cover material for many books are available online, so the review needs to cover more than that. Comparative and evaluative aspects of the review are vital. Please also inform the reader how the book aligns with the current debate and add your personal opinion.

If you have any questions regarding book reviews or any suggestions of books to review, please contact the Book Review Editor Alexander Heinze (alexander.heinze@jura.uni (this opens in a new tab) (this opens in a new tab)).

The same applies, mutatis mutandis, to conference reports.
