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Journal of the International Adsorption Society

Publishing model:

Adsorption - Why Publish in Adsorption?

Hear from some our Editorial Board Members on what sets Adsorption apart and why you should consider publishing with us!

“ADSO is a reference journal in the field of Adsorption, and I recommend it to all new graduate students working on this topic…the strength of this journal is the readership (all experts in the field).”

Ania Conchi, CEMHTI, CNRS, France

“This journal is not an adsorption journal. It is THE adsorption journal. This journal is maintained by the Adsorption community and has been a connection point for people working in the different branches of adsorption. In the case of people working with adsorption processes like me, this is the right place to publish.”

Carlos Grande, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

“Other than obviously specializing in adsorption, the key differentiator of the journal is the sub areas within adsorption as well as the fact that the main adsorption community (attending IAS conferences) is well versed in this journal so it is a good entry point to enter the adsorption community”

Paul Webley, Monash University, Australia

“The mixture of basic and applied adsorptions science [is what sets Adsorption apart from other journal’s in the field]” 

Stefan Kaskel, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
