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Ocean Dynamics

Theoretical, Computational and Observational Oceanography

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Tal Ezer, Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, USA (
Professor of Ocean and Earth Sciences at the Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, ODU, Norfolk, Virginia.
Research interests: climate change and sea level rise, numerical ocean modeling and analysis of ocean circulation, coastal ocean dynamics, hurricanes, and special interest in the Gulf Stream and the US East Coast.


Honorary Editor

Prof. Dr. Jörg-Olaf Wolff 


Antonio Bonaduce, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Bergen, Norway ( 
Senior Scientist/Research Leader at NERSC, Ocean and Sea Ice Remote Sensing. 
Research interests: sea-level variability and rise, satellite remote-sensing, ocean circulation and mesoscale variability, ocean wave-current interactions and numerical modeling.;

Sandro Carniel, STO-CMRE, La Spezia, and CNR-ISMAR, Venice, Italy (
Head Research Division at the Science and Technology Organization, Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation of NATO (STO-CMRE) in La Spezia, and Director of Research at the Institute of Polar Science, Italian National Research Council (CNR-ISP), in Venice, Italy.
Research Interests: physical and biogeochemical oceanography, regional and nearshore circulation and mixing processes in climate and ocean models, including coupled numerical models (wave, atmosphere, ocean, sediment), and new technology such as underwater gliders, AI based applications, and big data science.

Amin Chabchoub, Kyoto University, Japan, and The University of Sydney, Australia ( or  
Associate Professor at the Centre for Wind, Waves and Water, School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute at Hakubi Center for Advanced Research at Kyoto University.  
Research interests: wave modelling, hydrodynamics, extreme wave events and environmental fluid mechanics.
Links: ,

Ricardo de Camargo, University of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil (
Associate Professor, Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas, University of Sao Paulo.
Research interests: numerical modeling of atmosphere and ocean at regional and large-scales, atmosphere-ocean interaction, meteorological influences over the ocean, and extreme marine events.

Sheila N. Estrada-Allis, Physical Oceanography Department, Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE), Mexico (
Associate Researcher and professor at the Physical Oceanography Department, Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE), Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.
Research Interest: Physical oceanography fluid dynamics, submesoscale and mixing processes, regional numerical modeling, data assimilation, and physical-biogeochemical coupled models.

Oliver Fringer, Stanford University, California, U.S.A. ( 
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Oceans at Stanford University.
Research Interests: Numerical models and high-performance computational techniques to study ocean processes and coastal ocean dynamics, internal waves mixing and turbulence in rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

Avijit Gangopadhyay, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA, USA (
Professor, Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences, School for Marine Science and Technology, UMass Dartmouth.
Research Interest: Dynamics of Western Boundary Currents and their eddies, Synoptic Ocean Prediction, Wind-driven and Climate variability with special interest in the Gulf Stream and its rings, Indian Ocean and Brazil Current.

Guoping Gao, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China (
Professor at the College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University.
Research Interests: coastal ocean circulation and dynamics, unstructured numerical ocean and waves modeling and applications.

Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Science and Engineering at MIT.
Research Interests: ocean data assimilation, numerical ocean modeling, and applications to physical and interdisciplinary ocean dynamics and engineering.

Zhiyu Liu, Xiamen University, China (
Professor of Oceanography in Xiamen University.
Research interests: Turbulence, mixing processes, dynamic instability, ocean dynamics, and parameterization of turbulence in numerical ocean circulation models and climate models.

Yasumasa Miyazawa, JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan (
Professor and Deputy Director (Principal Researcher), Application Laboratory, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).
Research interest: ocean current dynamics, physical and biogeochemical ocean modeling and data assimilation.

Alejandro Orfila Förster, Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avancats (IMEDEA), Illes Balears, Spain (
Dr. in Physics and Scientific Researcher at CSIC (Spanish Research Council) and the head of the Research Group on Marine Technologies, Operational and Coastal Oceanography at the CSIC and the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). Research interests: physical processes of oceanic energy exchange and coastal zone dynamics, including non-linear wave propagation, boundary layer, sediment transport, dispersion processes and sub mesoscale dynamics using theoretical and numerical approaches and coupled models.

Andrea Piñones, Austral University of Chile, Chile (
Professor in the Institute of Marine and Limnological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Austral University of Chile.
Research Interests: physical and biological interactions of the marine ecosystems and how they are influenced by climate change, using numerical ocean modeling to study connectivity of marine organisms on different scales, with special interest in ecosystems of Antarctic waters.

Emil Stanev, Institute of Coastal Systems, Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany (
Professor of Coastal oceanography at Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling.
Research interest: Physical oceanography, Numerical modelling of regional seas and coastal ocean, Coastal sediment transport (observations and modeling).

Chaojiao Sun, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Perth, Australia ( 
Group Leader, Ocean Dynamics and Ecosystems Group, Environment Business Unit, CSIRO. 
Research interests: Physical oceanography, the role of ocean currents and eddies on climate and ecological connectivity, climate downscaling, and ecological forecasting (in particular, forecasting of harmful algal blooms). 

Christoph Völker, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany (
Senior Researcher, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.
Research interests: nonlinear dynamics, ocean circulation modelling, coupling between ocean physics and biogeochemical cycles, especially carbon and trace metals, Southern Ocean.

Jia Wang, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (NOAA/GLERL), Michigan, USA (
Research Ice Climatologist/ Physical Oceanographer at GLERL. 
Research Interest: Arctic and Great Lakes climate change, coupled ice-ocean-ecosystems modeling and development of data assimilation methods for ice-ocean ecosystems. 

Fanghua Xu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (
Associate Professor, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Research Interests: Ocean circulation and modeling, ocean response to climate change, air-sea interaction,
mesoscale eddies, and sediment transport modeling

Emma Young, British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Cambridge, UK (
Senior ocean and biophysical modeler at the British Antarctic Survey. 
Research interests: development and application of regional hydrodynamic and transport models, from temperate to polar regions, multidisciplinary science, coupling of physical and biological models for the study of the transport and recruitment of marine biota, and the application of such models within a seascape genetics context.
