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Animal Cognition
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Articles published in Animal Cognition are often featured in media outlets and blogs.
See the most recent featured articles below:

Does Pet Parenting Style predict the social and problem-solving behavior of pet dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)? (this opens in a new tab)

Like a father, like a son. Researchers found that pet parenting style does predict patterns of dog behavior and cognition, suggesting that dog owners who take the time to understand and meet their dog's needs are more likely to end up with secure, resilient dogs. The study was well received by the mainstream media, so interesting that even Naked Science (this opens in a new tab) in Russia decides to feature our study. . This study was also featured in The Washington Post (this opens in a new tab), The Telegraph (this opens in a new tab), Science Alert (this opens in a new tab), Yahoo News (this opens in a new tab), (this opens in a new tab), and more (this opens in a new tab).

Does Pet Parenting Style image 2023

Domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) engage in non-random post-conflict affiliation with third parties: cognitive and functional implications (this opens in a new tab)

Pigs are well known for their intelligence. Now, Cordoni and colleagues also found out how pacific they are. Even The Economist (this opens in a new tab) and The Washington Post (this opens in a new tab) decided to feature this study. Let’s hope that someone in the Capitol sees it. That why we f****** love science (this opens in a new tab). Other media outlets included EurekAlert (this opens in a new tab) and many more (this opens in a new tab).

Domestic pigs image 2023

Domestic cats (Felis catus) prefer freely available food over food that requires effort (this opens in a new tab)

Who would have guessed? We all know how lazy they are. This study from Delgado and colleagues digs into cats’ preference to work for food. This study got great media coverage, from many different countries that can be found here (this opens in a new tab).

Domestic cats image 2023

A comparison of personality traits of gifted word learner and typical border collies (this opens in a new tab)

Have you ever wondered if playful dogs are smarter? This study from Fugazza and colleagues answering this question was featured in several media outlets such as NBC News (this opens in a new tab)Vice (this opens in a new tab)EurekAlert (this opens in a new tab)Science Alert (this opens in a new tab)Psychology Today (this opens in a new tab), and many more (this opens in a new tab).

A comparison of personality traits image 2023
