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Ecosystems - 20th Anniversary Virtual Issue

Virtual Issue for the 20th journal anniversary in 2017

Enjoy reading the articles of the Ecosystems anniversary virtual issue.

Twenty Years of Ecosystems: Emerging Questions and Challenges (this opens in a new tab)

Taking the Mumbo Out of the Jumbo: Progress Towards a Robust Basis for Ecological Scaling (this opens in a new tab)

Challenges and Directions for the Advancement of Estuarine Ecosystem Science (this opens in a new tab)

Losing Legacies, Ecological Release, and Transient Responses: Key Challenges for the Future of Northern Ecosystem Science (this opens in a new tab)

Research Frontiers in Ecosystem Service Science (this opens in a new tab)

Moving Towards a New Urban Systems Science (this opens in a new tab) Trade: A Driver of Present and Future Ecosystems (this opens in a new tab)

Marine Ecosystem Science on an Intertwined Planet (this opens in a new tab)

To Tree or Not to Tree: Cultural Views from Ancient Romans to Modern Ecologists (this opens in a new tab)

Ecosystem Assembly: A Mission for Terrestrial Earth System Science (this opens in a new tab)

Subsidies of Aquatic Resources in Terrestrial Ecosystems (this opens in a new tab)

Legacy Effects of Human Land Use: Ecosystems as Time-Lagged Systems (this opens in a new tab)

Riparian Soil Development Linked to Forest Succession Above and Below Dams Along the Elwha River, Washington, USA (this opens in a new tab)

“New Forests” from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula (this opens in a new tab)

How Do Biota Respond to Additional Physical Restoration of Restored Streams? (this opens in a new tab)

Multiple Patterns of Food Web Dynamics Revealed by a Minimal Non-deterministic Model (this opens in a new tab)

Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Invasive Freshwater Shrimp (Mysis diluviana): Long-Term Effects on Ecosystem Properties in a Large Oligotrophic Lake (this opens in a new tab)

Spatial Variability in Light Yields Colimitation of Primary Production by Both Light and Nutrients in a Forested Stream Ecosystem (this opens in a new tab)

Ecosystem Modeling for the 21st Century (this opens in a new tab)

Modeling for Understanding v. Modeling for Numbers (this opens in a new tab)

To Model or not to Model, That is no Longer the Question for Ecologists (this opens in a new tab)

Next-Generation Individual-Based Models Integrate Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Yes We Can, and Yes We Must (this opens in a new tab)

Empiricism and Modeling for Marine Fisheries: Advancing an Interdisciplinary Science (this opens in a new tab)

Ecosystem Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, a New Frontier for Experiments and Models (this opens in a new tab)

On Achieving Balance (this opens in a new tab)

A Toolkit for Ecosystem Ecologists in the Time of Big Science (this opens in a new tab)

Advancing Ecosystem Science by Promoting Greater Use of Theory and Multiple Research Approaches in Graduate Education (this opens in a new tab)

The Next Decade of Big Data in Ecosystem Science (this opens in a new tab)

Spatially Explicit Modeling in Ecology: A Review (this opens in a new tab)

Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: New Views of an Old Ocean (this opens in a new tab) 

Marine Ecosystems as Complex Adaptive Systems: Emergent Patterns, Critical Transitions, and Public Goods (this opens in a new tab) 

A Framework for Evaluating Heterogeneity and Landscape-Level Impacts of Non-native Aquatic Species (this opens in a new tab) 

New Directions for Understanding the Spatial Resilience of Social–Ecological Systems (this opens in a new tab) Control Points in Ecosystems: Moving Beyond the Hot Spot Hot Moment Concep (this opens in a new tab)t
