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Journal of the month - free through October

Journal cover: Journal of Electronic Materials

Volume 53, Issue 10, October 2024

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Journal of Electronic Materials

The Journal of Electronic Materials reports on the science and technology of electronic materials, while examining new applications of semiconductors, metallic and magnetic alloys, insulators, and optical and display materials. The journal strives to publish articles of interest to both specialists and non-specialists in the field of electronic materials.   


Editor-in-Chief: Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak

Editor's Choice: Enjoy free access to exceptional articles chosen by the Editor-in-Chief. Review the journal’s full list of articles here

Open Access: Read the Open Access articles published in this journal

Call for Papers: Submit your paper to the Journal of Electronic Materials. See submission guidelines now! Instructions for authors and submission information can be found here.

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All TMS journals at a glance

Journal cover: Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation

Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation

Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed to building a seamless and dynamic materials and manufacturing design framework supporting the accelerated discovery, development, and application of materials and processes.

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Journal cover: JOM


JOM is a technical, peer-reviewed journal devoted to exploring the many aspects of materials science and engineering within the broad topical areas of light metals, structural materials, functional materials, extraction and processing, and materials processing and manufacturing.

JOM-75Anniversary-Logo © Springer


Journal cover: Journal of Electronic Materials

Journal of Electronic Materials

The Journal of Electronic Materials is a peer-reviewed journal that reports monthly on the science and technology of electronic materials, while examining new applications for semiconductors, magnetic alloys, dielectrics, nanoscale materials, and photonic materials.

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Journal cover: Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy

Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy

The Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to presenting metallurgical processes and related research aimed at improving the sustainability of metal-producing industries, with an emphasis on materials recovery, reuse, and recycling.

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A joint publication of ASM International and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

Journal cover: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A is an archival, peer-reviewed, monthly publication that focuses on the latest research in all aspects of metallurgy and materials science.

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Journal cover: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B is an archival, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly publication that is uniquely focused on the processing science and engineering of metals and materials. The journal publishes original research and reviews.

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The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series

Series cover: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series

This book series covers the latest developments in the field and engages researchers, professionals, and students in discussions leading to further discovery.
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