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Materials Research Society Journals and Book Series

Discover the MRS journals, archives and book series now published with Springer

MRS journals published with Springer

Journals and archives from the Materials Research Society are published with Springer. Find out more about these titles on the journal homepages and submit your paper today.MRS logo

MRS is an organization of materials researchers worldwide that promotes communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research and technology to improve the quality of life. 

All content published in MRS journals is freely accessible to MRS members. 

Publish with MRS and get free MRS membership! All eligible MRS Journal corresponding authors now receive a complimentary one-year MRS membership. Member benefits include free electronic access to all MRS journals, discounted registration rates for MRS meetings and workshops, discounted Open Access publication, and more.

Journals and archives of the Materials Research Society

Journal cover: MRS Bulletin

MRS Bulletin 

MRS Bulletin is one of the most widely recognized and highly respected publications in advanced materials research. Each month, MRS Bulletin provides a comprehensive overview of a specific materials theme topic, along with materials news and features, industry and policy developments, and MRS and materials-community news and events. Learn more

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Journal of material science

Journal of Materials Research

Journal of Materials Research (JMR) publishes the latest advances about the creation of new materials and materials with novel functionalities, fundamental understanding of processes that control the response of materials, and development of materials with significant performance improvements relative to the state-of-the-art materials. The journal publishes full-length research articles and reviews. Learn more

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Journal cover: MRS Communications

MRS Communications

MRS Communications publishes research letters and prospective articles—forward-looking, authoritative assessments on materials research that are impactful, urgent, and of broad interest to the materials community. Learn more

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Journal cover: MRS Advances

MRS Advances

MRS Advances is an archival, peer-reviewed journal reporting snapshots of work in progress on key materials topics identified by leading-edge MRS Meeting programming. The journal covers new and emerging science and is designed to reflect the way materials researchers work, write, publish and share their results. MRS Advances accepts contributed articles and invited reviews. Learn more

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Journal cover: MRS Energy & Sustainability

MRS Energy & Sustainability

MRS Energy & Sustainability addresses broad perspectives in energy and sustainability as they relate to the impact of materials research on society.  The journal welcomes reviews, original research articles, commentaries and perspectives. Learn more

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Journal cover: MRS Online Proceedings Library

MRS Online Proceedings Library

MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL), an archive of 70,000+ conference proceedings containing content spanning 1980 to 2015, consists of over 500,000 pages.  The OPL documents the development of materials research as presented at MRS Meetings, and features papers by eminent materials scientists who have shaped the field.  It serves as a lasting resource for the next generations of scholars and researchers.  The OPL also represents a record of MRS’s distinctive history and world-renowned Meetings and speakers. The archive contains numerous papers by many Nobel Laureates (including Whittingham, Goodenough, Stoddart, Feringa, Geim and more) and continues to garner tremendous usage across the materials community. 

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Journal cover: MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research

MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research

MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research (MIJ-NSR), launched by MRS in 1996, was a freely accessible online-only, peer-reviewed, archival journal devoted to group-III nitride semiconductor research


Series cover: The Materials Research Society Series

MRS Book Series

This collaboration between MRS and Springer Nature is our premium, co-branded series publishing across the broad range of topics of interest to the various constituencies represented by MRS. This series will publish textbooks, professional books, monographs, references, and other works that serve the broad materials science and engineering community worldwide. 

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