Topical Issue in Solar Physics “Combined radio and space-based solar observations”
Topical Issue in Solar Physics “Combined radio and space-based solar observations: from techniques to new results” – Call for Statements of Interest
We solicit manuscripts on this general subject for inclusion in this Topical Issue (T.I.) of the Solar Physics journal, which is outgrowth of CESRA’s (Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers; successful 2016 workshop (see Topics to be considered for the T.I. include: Particle acceleration and transport; CMEs, shock waves, and their radio diagnostics; Fine structures and radio wave propagation; Radio emission from non-flaring active regions and the quiet Sun; Space Weather; Future solar/heliospheric radio instruments.
Please fill in the statements of interest (Google Form) with a tentative title, name and e-mail of the corresponding author, author list, and three suggestions for referees by February 15, 2017.
The Topical Issue is not a conference proceedings volume and is not limited to research presented at the CESRA workshop. All submissions must be original papers that meet the quality and peer-review standards of Solar Physics.
Authors will be able to submit their articles, through the Solar Physics on-line submission system, from February 2017 to 15 May 2017. Please note Solar Physics will have Continuous Article Publishing, i.e., all accepted articles are included in the current issue being built and do not wait for the rest of the T.I. articles to be accepted. T.I. articles will be collected online under their specific topical tab and are considered to be printed together as a (“spin-off”) book.
Guest Editors: Eduard Kontar and Alexander Nindos;
Solar Physics Editors: Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi and Mike Wheatland
Kind regards
Alexander & Eduard