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Springer LaTeX templates

Does Springer provide templates and style files for preparing a journal article?

For your convenience Springer has developed macros and templates to help you prepare your manuscript. 

Information about the preferred format for the individual journals can be found in the specific journal’s Instructions for Authors.

NEW 2021: Springer Nature LaTeX Author Support page


Since Springer style files will change all titles in your bibliography to lower case, please preserve capitalization where needed (proper names, acronyms) by adding curly braces: 

title = {The {E}instein equations}

Editorial Manager®

When submitting to Editorial Manager®, please, select item type 'Manuscript' for all LaTeX related files (tex, bbl, bst, sty, clo, cls) and 'Figure' for images (eps, jpg, pdf, png, tif). 

Do not use subdirectories, all associated files must be in one directory. Otherwise PDF compilation will not work properly.