Frequently asked questions for BodyExplorer 2.0
When starting the software, message "error 10001" emerges
The problem was caused by Service Pack 2 for Windows XP. To solve this problem, please copy the content of the CD-ROM into a new folder on your computer, e.g. "BodyXP".
Download and unzip the file "". Copy the unzipped files into the newly created folder on your harddisc. They will exchange the old ones located there.
Double-click on the file "BodyXP.exe" will start the BodyExplorer program. The original CD-ROM have to be inserted into the CD-ROM drive when you start the program. For better usability and quick start of the program, you can set up a shortcut-link on the desktop.
Though the sp2-Patch has been installed, the program does not work.
The Win XP hotfixes MS06-051/KB917422 and KB918899 distributed via Microsoft's automatic Windows Update service inhibit the usage of a lot of software products worldwide including "Body Explorer". Microsoft offers the updated hotfix KB924867 to solve this problem. KB924867 can be obtained by download from the MicroSoft service site (URL below):