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Control and Robotics

  • Discover leading research in control and robotics
  • Read insights from famous experts in the field
  • Live and recorded webinar.
  • Key engineering textbooks are freely accessible until the end of July!

More featured books and reference works

Selected contents are free to read until 30 June, 2020.  

Book cover: Robotics: Industry 4.0 Issues & New Intelligent Control ParadigmsRobotics: Industry 4.0 Issues & New Intelligent Control Paradigms

Selected  chapter | Control and Ergonomic Problems of Collaborative Robotics

Book cover: The Koopman Operator in Systems and ControlThe Koopman Operator in Systems and Control

Selected  chapter | Experimental Applications of the Koopman Operator in Active Learning for Control

Book cover: Classical and Modern Controls with MicrocontrollersClassical and Modern Controls with Microcontrollers

Selected  chapter | Classical Linear Control Systems—PID Control Systems

Book cover: Aerial Robotic ManipulationAerial Robotic Manipulation

Selected  chapter | Modeling and Design of Multirotors with Multi-joint Arms

Book cover: Robotics and Well-BeingRobotics and Well-Being

Selected  chapter | The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

Book cover: Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XIIAlgorithmic Foundations of Robotics XII

Selected  chapter | A Collaborative Aerial-Ground Robotic System for Fast Exploration

Book cover: Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and TechnologyHandbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

Force Control

Motion Control

Robotic Assembly

Book cover: Springer Handbook of RoboticsSpringer Handbook of Robotics

Modeling and Control of Aerial Robots

Modeling and Control of Robots on Rough Terrain

Modeling and Control of Underwater Robots

Book cover: Encyclopedia of RoboticsEncyclopedia of Robotics

Modelling and Control of Robotic Helicopters

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